Dumoine Painting: Burning Though Fog

I recently completed another Dumoine painting: Burning Through Fog. That’s what the sun wasBurning Through Fog, 11x14, $400 doing on this early morning in 2018.

I’d gone early with the keeners, Phil Chadwick and Mark Patton. These two were out very early each day to paint… before breakfast and coffee. Most of us couldn’t quite do that 🙂

This day I went with them to photograph, rather than paint. The fog was so beautiful and I can’t paint as fast as Phil!

We could tell it was going to be another hot day as the sun burned intensely through the fog over Goat Island (apparently, goats used to be kept there for loggers years ago). I took this image from the portage put-in just above Grand Chutes.

Here are links to a couple fellow DRAW 2018 artists’ work that included Goat Island: Phil Chadwick and Cindi Moynahan-Foreman.

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